Glaucoma Treatment in Midland Park
Glaucoma is serious and needs to be addressed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, it forms and progresses without any noticeable warning signs to alert you to its presence. It can be detected easily, though, with a yearly eye examination. And at Wyckoff Ophthalmology, our
glaucoma treatment in Midland Park is designed to prevent optic nerve damage or vision loss to the greatest extent possible.
When excess and unsafe pressure builds up in your eye, that is glaucoma asserting itself. The pressure increases when there is an imbalance between how much fluid is created in your eyes and how much gets drained. The goal is to be diagnosed before any signs are evident, but if you do experience any of the following, which are potential signs of advanced stage glaucoma, you should contact us promptly: vision loss, tunnel vision, pain in your eyes, seeing halos form around images in your field of vision, reddening of your eyes, and nausea or vomiting, particularly along with one or more other symptoms. In order to confirm the presence of the eye disease, you will need an examination, which will include tonometry, a test that measures your level of internal eye pressure. Additional testing may be necessary. Among them are pachymetry, which gauges the thickness of your cornea. Our
glaucoma treatment in Midland Park will typically consist of methods that correct the imbalance of fluid. These include eye drops for reducing fluid production, laser surgery to increase the efficiency of drainage, and microsurgery for making a new path for the fluid to drain from.
glaucoma treatment in Midland Park is absolutely vital to ensure that your eyes remain healthy and that your level of vision does not decrease. Do not hesitate to contact us to book a yearly screening or for immediate attention if you are noticing obvious signs of later stage glaucoma.
Wyckoff Ophthalmology
350 Franklin Avenue
Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481
(201) 257-5222
By Wyckoff Ophthalmology
December 8, 2017
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