Waldwick vision therapy
Childhood vision conditions, whether diagnosed or not, can become long term if they are not addressed in a timely manner. As an adult, if you are still experiencing the effects of issues such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eyes), and double vision, or even a reading or learning disability, we at Wyckoff Ophthalmology can help.
Waldwick vision therapy is not a cure for those listed concerns, but you can enjoy significant and impressive improvement thanks to eye exercises done under the supervision of our medical eye doctor, and the help of prescription lenses. These lenses may be to correct your vision or strictly for therapeutic results, but in addition to other equipment that has shown to produce positive outcomes, our Waldwick vision therapy provides a good reason to be optimistic. The exercises involves are not designed to strengthen your eye muscles, but rather to train your eyes so that you can see with greater clarity, and get relief from the symptoms that you have been dealing with based on your particular condition. Better still, these exercises are not one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, they are tailored specifically to your needs as an individual. As a general rule of thumb, however, you will likely come to our office once or twice per week for somewhere between a 30 and 60 minute session. You may also be asked to perform some exercises at home on your own. These would be supplemental to what you're doing with our medical eye doctor. You should start to notice gradual and steady improvement, with the problems you have been dealing with at least becoming less prominent, if not going away entirely.
It's important for you to know that there is a solution for the vision difficulties that you have. Schedule an appointment to come to our office and have an examination and consultation. Find out if our
Waldwick vision therapy is right for your circumstances.
By Wyckoff Ophthalmology
March 8, 2018
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